Sunday, November 02, 2014


¿¿¿ Where's the standard ???
¡¡¡ It's back'n'forth !!! 
Indiana eventually voted to SpringAhead, but never bargained for FallBack.  Russia has stuck with DST - they don't FallBack!
By the way, an overlap in the fabric of time is a parallel universe.
Deja vu all over again.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Urban assault

The dog motel aka Motel6:  I never make reservations, but I have reservations; irregardless I stay anyway - if not for Motel6, I couldn't go anywhere with Gus.

Meme~phis TN down-river Aug'13

Jones~boro AR over-the-river Apr'14

Sunday, March 09, 2014


¿¿¿ Where's the savings ???

For example, the gardner who liked DST cause it gave her flowers an extra hour of daylite.
One workplace referred to it as "advanced" time; SO, east-to-west timezones:  EAT, CAT, MAT & PAT ~ sounds like Dr.SeussTime.

By the way, a hole in the fabric of time allows for time~travel.

To be continued ... the 1st Sunday in November.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

NewYears PRO~crastination

Resolution: to blurblog more/again;

Prediction: Google's spring cleaning will doom Blogger;

Google's continual flux can be difficult to adapt to; SO I expect to migrate to WordPress which has lots of bells&whisles to get use to.

Now, at least, both offer apps for mobile/smartfone.

Thursday, July 04, 2013